XML Syntax Documentation¤


This document describes the XML syntax used to define a physical system. The structure includes elements for defining bodies, joints, geometries, simulation parameters, and rendering properties.

Root Element¤

<x_xy name="example_model">
  • name (string, required): The name of the model.

Simulation Parameters¤

<options gravity="0 0 -9.81" dt="0.01" />
  • gravity (x y z, optional): Global gravity vector.
  • dt (float, optional): Simulation time step.

Default Parameters for geom and body¤

Changes the default values. For example:

    <geom mass="1.0"/>
  • mass (float, optional): Default mass of geometries.

World Definition¤

    <body name="base" joint="free" pos="0 0 0">
  • <worldbody>: The root container for all bodies.
  • <body>: Defines a physical body.
    • name (string, required): Unique identifier for the body.
    • joint (string, required): Type of joint connecting to worldbody.
    • pos (x y z, optional): Position in world coordinates.
    • for more see section Bodies below

Geometry Definition and Rendering Properties¤

<geom type="box" mass="1" size="0.5 0.5 0.5" color="0.8 0.2 0.2" />
  • mass (float, required): Mass of geometry.
  • type (string, required): Shape type (box, sphere, cylinder, xyz, capsule).
  • dim (Vector of floats, required): Dimensions of the geometry. Its dimensionality depends on the type of the geometry.
    • box: length_x, length_y, length_z
    • sphere: radius
    • cylinder: radius, height
    • xyz: unit_vector_length
    • capsule: radius, length
  • color (rgb or string, optional): RGB color (normalised from 0 to 1) of the object or string identifier of a color such as green, blue, red, orange, ...
  • pos (x y z, optional): Position of geometry in coordinate system of surrouning body. Points to the center of mass of the geometry. Defaults to zeros.
  • euler (x y z, optional): Euler angles in degree. Orientation of geometry in coordinate system of surrouning body. Mutually exclusive with field quat. Defaults to zeros.
  • quat (u x y z, optional): Orientation of geometry in coordinate system of surrouning body. Mutually exclusive with field euler. Defaults to 1 0 0 0.


<body name="hinge" joint="rx" pos="0 0 1" euler="90 0 0"/>
  • name (string, required): Identifier for the body.
  • joint (string, required): Type of joint. Possible values:
    • free: 6D free joint
    • cor: 9D free joint, center of rotation also moves
    • free_2d: 3D free joint (1D rotation + 2D translations)
    • frozen: 0D joint
    • spherical: 3D rotational joint
    • px, py, pz (prismatic joints): 1D translational joints around x/y/z
    • rx, ry, rz (revolute joints): 1D rotational joints around x/y/z
    • saddle: 2D rotational joint
    • p3d: 3D translational joint
    • rr (custom joint): 1D rotational joint with randomised joint axis direction
    • rr_imp (custom joint): 1D rotational joint with randomised joint axis direction that is not a perfect 1D joint; there is a small secondary rotation possible
    • rsaddle (custom joint): 2D rotational joint with randomised joint axes directions
  • pos (x y z, optional): Position relative to parent body. Defaults to zeros.
  • euler (x y z, optional): Euler angles in degree. Orientation relative to parent body. Mutually exclusive with field quat. Defaults to zeros.
  • quat (u x y z, optional): Orientation relative to parent body. Mutually exclusive with field euler. Defaults to 1 0 0 0.
  • pos_min (x y z, optional): Lower bound for randomization of the pos value. Defaults to zeros.
  • pos_max (x y z, optional): Upper bound for randomization of the pos value. Defaults to zeros.
  • damping (Vector of floats, optional): Damping of the joint. It's dimensionality depends on the qd size of the joint type. So for a 1D joint, this is a single float, for a 3D joint it is three floats. Defaults to zeros.
  • armature (Vector of floats, optional): Armature of the joint. It's dimensionality depends on the qd size of the joint type. So for a 1D joint, this is a single float, for a 3D joint it is three floats. Defaults to zeros.
  • spring_stiff (Vector of floats, optional): Spring stiffness of the joint. It's dimensionality depends on the qd size. Defaults to zeros.
  • spring_zero (Vector of floats, optional): Zero point for the spring force of the joint. It's dimensionality depends on the q size of the joint type. Defaults to 1 0 0 0 for spherical, cor, and free, and to zeros else.

Example Model¤

<x_xy model="inv_pendulum">
    <options gravity="0 0 9.81" dt="0.01"/>
        <geom color="white"/>
        <body name="cart" joint="px" damping="0.01">
            <geom type="box" mass="1" dim="0.4 0.1 0.1"/>
            <body name="pendulum" joint="ry" euler="0 -90 0" damping="0.01">
                <geom type="box" mass="0.5" pos="0.5 0 0" dim="1 0.1 0.1"/>